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To do well in today’s work environment, people need to be self-reliant managers of their own careers. As well as having the technical skills and abilities needed to work in a particular role, people also need the skills, knowledge and attitudes to make good career moves.
In an environment where people move frequently between jobs, and between learning and work roles, they need knowledge about themselves, and the capacity to connect with others.

They need to learn and experience the benefits of:

  • Building and maintaining a positive self-concept

  • Interacting positively and effectively with others, and

  • Changing and growing throughout life.

To take advantage of possible options, young people need the knowledge and skills to:

  • Participate in life-long learning that is supportive of their career goals

  •  Locate and effectively use career information, and

  • Understand the relationship between work, society and the economy.

With interest and support from family members, friends, teachers, and career development practitioners, people can learn how best to:

  • Secure/create and maintain work

  • Make career enhancing decisions

  • Maintain balanced life and work roles, and

  • Understand the changing nature of life and work roles.

Ref: (excerpt of the Blueprint for Career Development)

Goals for Ararat Colleges Career Practitioner

  • To provide a more focussed career planning process to all students

  • To encourage more decision making strategies through interviewing

  • To promote the idea that everything can be used to promote ones’ lifelong learning - Portfolios

  • To increase development of knowledge, skills and attitudes through a planned program of   learning experiences in education and training settings


This is a fantastic resource for all Ararat College students to use. It provides you with important information for your Career Action Plans throughout your Senior Secondary schooling.   Use it together with your parents and guardians so that all involved have a good understanding of the choices available to you.


Careers Website

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