House Athletics
On the last day of Term One we held our House Athletic Sports at Alexandra oval. The day began with the now regular costume parade of the Year 12 to the grandstand, before the House leaders took charge of their teams. Competitors throughout the day did the right thing by either successfully displaying their level of skill or fitness, or participating for House success. Disappointingly there were a number of students who failed to attend on the day despite attendance being compulsory as per a normal school day. These students will not be offered the chance to represent the school in inter-school sporting teams.
Congratulations to event winners, record breakers and age group champions. Event winners will be offered the chance to participate at the Black Ranges Athletics in Stawell early in term two.
Congratulations to Hopkins for repeating their 2017 success by winning the Overall and Boys’ aggregate and Pyrenees winning the Girls’ aggregate.
A huge thankyou to staff for judging events throughout the day, Mr Bowles for his hours of preparation entering students into events on the computer, and Jodie and Mel for offering a canteen.
Mr Spalding